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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)


11.02.16 - OXFORD, THE ZODIAC, 190, Cowley Rd, Oxford, OX4 1UE.
BBC RADIO Oxford presents with Belarus / A Silent Film / Where I'm Calling From


24.02.16 - READING, RISING SUN ARTS CENTRE, 30, Silver St, Reading, RG1 2ST.
Club Velocity presents with The Heartwear Process


02.03.16 - READING, FEZ CLUB, 5, Gun St, Reading, RG1 2JR.
Electrocious presents


10.03.16 - SOUTHAMPTON, THE HOBBIT, 134 Bevois Valley Road, SO14 0JZ.
w/The Colours, Sandcreak Massacre


16.03.16 - OXFORD, THE CELLAR, Frewin Court, Cornmarket St, Oxford, OX1 3HZ .
Evil Jimmy presents


05.04.16 - NEW CROSS, MONTAGUE ARMS, 289, Queens Rd, London, SE15 2PA.
Alt-DJ presents